Yoni Steam
Our Yoni Steam Herbal Blend. This is a 2 month supply of our Yoni Steams.
Vaginal steaming is an ancient practice that is thought to be beneficial in cleansing the vagina and uterus, regulating the menstrual cycle, easing the pain of period cramps and bloating, and aiding in healing and soothing after childbirth. The practice can also be very meditative.
Our Yoni Steams will help with all Vaginal issues. We make a Master Herbal Blend to help heal the entire Uterus. Helps With: Herpes Breakouts, BV, Yeast Infections, Tone & Tighten, Vaginal Odors, Detox +Cleanse Past Sexual Energy, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Ovarian Cyst, Ovarian Cancer, all Womb Cancer, Mood Stabilizer, Extra Stamina, Fertility Issues, Clear Skin, Acne and other skin issues.
Vaginal Steaming, also known as Yoni or Pelvic steaming- is an amazing, empowering and healing feminine ritual. It combines the healing properties of herbs and the warming+beneficial properties of heat and steam to access this deep, sensitive area of a womens' body.